Building a custom home has lots of advantages because pretty much everything is your choice. There may be a few things you want that are just not plausible, but the majority of them can be custom to your desires. As great as that can be, some challenges come with building a custom home in Salt Lake City. Here are things homeowners should know when building.
1. Decision Exhaustion
Depending on how customized you are building your home, there are hundreds of decisions to be made. Even just thinking about a bathroom, you have to plan and decide things like how big, how many bathrooms, the color of walls, the material, and color of countertops, the type of light fixtures, and the size and color of tile grout. That’s only a few of the decisions that will need to be made for bathrooms. To help avoid getting overwhelmed by all the decisions and varieties that can be made, it would be a good idea to collect ideas you like before the building process. That way, you have some semblance of what to do instead of making all the decisions during the process.
2. Have a flexible timetable
To avoid frustration, go into the process with the understanding that things will take longer than planned. Delays in closing are already common in real estate, but new builds can pose more problems: Weather conditions, building code compliance, and other documentation can delay move-in dates. Not knowing exactly when you will be moving into your newly built custom home in Salt Lake City can cause more expenses. You may have to rent longer than planned, or there may be increases in mortgage rates unless you have a locked-in rate. In some cases, the builder will pay to extend it due to the delays.
3. Visualize your home
Try to define your “must-haves” for your custom home before starting the build in Salt Lake City. That way, you will be sure to include them. For example, if you love natural light, should you add more or bigger windows? Once you have your plans all drafted out, imagine physically walking through the home. Try to picture if the layout makes sense. Would it bug you if your laundry room is not on the same floor as the bedrooms?
Keeping these three things in mind when building a custom home in Salt Lake City will help the process go smoother. It is exciting to have a place to call yours that you designed and planned out.
Willow Creek Construction provides remodeling and custom home building in Salt Lake City. Visit their website at https://www.wcbuilder.com to learn more about their construction services.